DE Online Desk
A terrible fire has occurred at Chawmohani in Noakhali. Eight units of Chowmohani, Maijdi and Sonaimuri fire stations are working to control the fire. The fire was brought under control at 8:30 pm on Friday.
The fire occurred at the Rail Gate Super Market in front of the Morshed Alam Complex in Chawmohani Bazar on Friday at 6:30 pm.
The Rail Gate Super Market in Chawmohani is the biggest market in Noakhali for electric products, according to local sources. On Friday night, the market’s electrical store was the first source of the fire. The nearby shops were immediately affected by the fire’s rapid progress. Initially, locals and Chawmohani Fire Service personnel began to contain the fire. Members of the Maijdi and Sonaimuri fire services later joined them. It’s estimated that the fire has damaged about thirty stores thus far.
A terrible fire broke out at Chawmohani in Noakhali

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